PCN Team

Clinical Directors

A PCN must appoint an accountable clinical director who is responsible for delivery. Sittingbourne PCN has two joint Clinical Directors. 

Dr Ben Ingram

Dr Ingram is a GP partner at The Memorial Medical Centre and was nominated joint Clinical Director of Sittingbourne PCN in April 2023.

Dr Modupe Martins

Dr Martins is a GP at Green Porch Medical Centre and was appointed joint Clinical Director in January 2022.

Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS)

The NHS introduced the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) to provide the funding for many thousands of additional roles within General Practice. The scheme aims to help provide additional capacity in general practice.

Sittingbourne PCN has a number of people in these roles who are available to support local patients.

Digital and Transformation Lead


This role is to plan, coordinate and directly support delivery of transformation activity in the PCN. This is with a view to improve patient access, staff and patient satisfaction and the efficiency of general practice services. The role works closely with staff working in GP practices and at PCN level to understand current service models, identify challenges, agree priorities for improvement and support these to be delivered. 

Adult Social Prescribing Link Workers

Paula and Berenice

You can now receive personalised support by talking to one of our Social Prescribing Link Workers who can spend time with you, supporting you with your health and wellbeing. Social prescribers can link you with a range of services, groups and activites locally to help you develop a happier lifestyle. Our social prescribers will listen and offer you support for a range of areas including: housing support, financial concerns, loneliness, depression and anxiety and many more. 

Children's Health and Wellbeing Navigator

Mariella and Louise

Our children's health and wellbeing navigators can help improve the care and support offered to children, young people and their families, recognising the long-term needs of families and identifying what really matters to them. They can support families and carers where a child has a long term health condition, particularly Neurodevelopmental issues (ie. ASD and ADHD) or mild anxiety/ mental Health concerns both pre and post diagnosis. Mariella will work with children aged 0-18 years and up to 24 years for those with SEND and can take referrals for a wide range of needs. 

Health and Wellbeing Coaches


Our health and wellbeing coaches can support you to increase your ability to self-manage, motivate and commit to change your lifestyle. They are experts in behaviour change and focus on improving health related outcomes by working with you to set personalised goals. Our coaches can support you if you have a long term condition including respiratory, cardiovascular (including type 2 diabetes and hypertension), and stress/low mood. They can also support people with weight management, diet and increasing activity levels.

Clinical Pharmacist

Clinical pharmacists are increasingly working as part of general practice teams. They are highly qualified experts in medicines and can help people in a range of ways. This includes carrying out structured medication reviews (SMRs) for patients with ongoing health problems and improving patient safety, outcomes and value through a person-centred approach.

Sittingbourne PCN also work with a number of Virtual Pharmacists who work remotely to provide support to patients and reduce pressure on GP practices. 

Ask your GP practice to speak to a clinical pharmacist if you have questions or concerns around your medicines

Cancer and Palliative Care Navigator


Our cancer and palliative care navigator can provide you with advice and support whether you are a patient, a family member or carer of someone who has received a diagnosis. Jane will help you navigate health and social care services and signpost to partner and voluntary organisations. Jane will take an active role to support with linking up care professionals, providing information and support and following-up and reflecting on clinical conversations you have had with primary care professionals. 

You will be given time to focus on what matters to you, supporting you to gain and use knowledge, skills and confidence to become an active participant in your care. Your navigator will ensure you feel supported whilst waiting for NHS services and follow-up, ensuring services are linked together. Your Cancer and Palliative Care coordinator will have effective and constructive relationships throughout the wider community within Sittingbourne in order to facilitate your support.

Mental Health Practitioner

Adults - Esther

Our Adults Mental Health Practitioner is able to support adults with mental illnesses. Esther will give you the time you need and act as a ‘bridge’ between primary care and specialist mental health services. Mental health practitioners provide GPs and other primary care staff with timely support and advice, helping to relieve pressure on workloads and build stronger relationships with mental health services.

Children's - Esther

Our Children's Mental Health Practitioner is able to support children and young people aged 0-18 years with mild to moderate mental health difficutlies that are negatively impacting on their lives. Work will be low intensity to address issues including low modd, anxiety and anger.